American Sovereignty At Risk: The Trans Pacific Partnership

Date: Oct. 15, 2012

I have compiled information here from absolute authorities on this secret effort to eliminate accountability for corporations both foreign and domestic for labor, health and environmental concerns. The power of the Congress will be ceded to the corporation by this administration if the American people do not unite and stand up against this underground and underhanded usurpation of democracy.

I will be adding more in terms of my interpretation of this situation in the near term, however I felt it imperative to get this information to the public ASAP. Paul Craig Roberts and Lori Wallach of Public Citizen are THE authorities on this issue. Three videos below describe clearly the impact of this catastrophic proceeding. Please visit this link to a very pointed article on this issue by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts excerpted here:

Trans Pacific Partnership: Corporate Escape From Accountability
By Paul Craig Roberts

"Information has been leaked about the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), which is being negotiated in secret by US Trade Representative Ron Kirk. Six hundred corporate "advisors" are in on the know, but not Congress or the media. Ron Wyden, chairman of the Senate trade subcommittee that has jurisdiction over the TPP, has not been permitted to see the text or to know the content.

The TPP has been called a "one-percenter" power tool. The agreement essentially abolishes the accountability of foreign corporations to governments of countries with which they trade. Indeed, the agreement makes governments accountable to corporations for costs imposed by regulations, including health, safety and environmental regulations. The agreement gives corporations the right to make governments pay them for the cost of complying with the regulations of government. One wonders how long environmental, labor, and financial regulation can survive when the costs of compliance are imposed on the taxpayers of countries and not on the economic activity that results in spillover effects such as pollution."

Trans Pacific Partnership Overview
The fact that the TPP is being negotiated in secret should immediately raise eyebrows. What this agreement represents is dramatic expansion of NAFTA style privilidges to corporations. The end game here is removing us from the equation with the corporations controlling the constraints that government can exert on the activities of corporations through monumentally userious penalties placed on the treasuries of nations for doing so. The penalties against governments for enforcing "costly" regulations on corporations would be exacted by a private tribunal of corporate attorneys rather than any court of law.

Essentially ALL corporations would be immune to the laws of any signatory to the agreement. So while corporations gain nearly unlimited freedom to do as they will, the citizens of nations have their freedom infringed upon and stripped in myriad ways. The loss of freedom extends not only to the potential ramifications of unfettered pollution from corporate entities no longer subject to regulation, but also loss of safe and fair working conditions.

The results may well be that we the people of America may become the new China as working conditions deteriorate as we no longer exert any control over government, but rather succuumb to "The Corporation's" reign over government and derived from that, over us as well. The fact that the TPP prevents the regulatory reach of government from exacting any measure of control over corporate activities by transferance of any cost from the corporation to the government itself, will remove virtually all regulatory leverage from the government.

Please take the time to watch the videos on this page and read the excellent analysis of the leaked documents by Public Citizen. The information is very detailed and clearly illustrates the predicament should this agreement be signed. It is so bad in fact that the details will not be permitted to be released until four years after the signing of the agreement. The information provided will enhance your understanding of the nature and gravity of the consequences associated with The Trans Pacific Partnership in the event the President ever signs it.

Public pressure from an aware citizenry is our only recourse to influence this continuing series of events.

Democracy Now with Lori Wallach on Leaked Trade Agreement

Thom Hartmann: Conversations w/ Great Minds
Lori Wallach -The Trans-Pacific Partnership Threat Part 1

Lori Wallach - The Trans-Pacific Partnership Threat Part 2

Max Keiser interviews Paul Craig Roberts "TPP Secret Trade Deal"

Press Release Concerning Leaked Trans Pacific Partnership Text From Public Citizen
June 13, 2012
"A leak today of one of the most controversial chapters of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) reveals that extreme provisions have been agreed to by U.S. officials, providing a stark warning about the dangers of "trade" negotiations occurring under conditions of extreme secrecy without press, public or policymaker oversight, Public Citizen said."
